Mount Olympus
Name: .......
Badges you should earn before achieving your Mount Olympus Award
A record needs to be kept as each section/Badge is completed before being presented with your award.
- Knots and Lashings Badge
- Fire Safety Badge
- Sports Women
- Swimming Badge
- Cooks Badge
- Thrift Badge
- International Friendship Badge
- Harmony Badge
Specific Tasks
- Camp for at least one weekend and camp or hostel for another weekend.
- Start your own songbook, collect and learn songs suitable for the opening and closing of a meeting and campfire.
- Take part in a Diocesan Guide Activity.
- Earn an interest badge of your own choice.
Badge Requirements
Knots and Lashings
- Tie each of the following: reef knot, clove hitch, bowline, sheetbend, double overhand.
- Know (a) how to whip and splice a rope, and (b) how to prevent nylon rope from fraying.
- Make a gadget using (a) square lashing and (b) snake lashing.
- Make a tripod.
Fire Safety
- Understand Fire Safety in the home.
- In the event of a fire outbreak know what steps to take to ensure your safety and that of the others in the building.
- Visit your local fire station if possible.
- In the event of being trapped know what to do.
- Know how to deal with burns and scalds.
Sports Woman
- Take part in a recognized sport on a regular basis.
- Know the rules and be able to demonstrate the basic skills of that sport.
- Show a good spirit in any team game situation.
- Be able to swim 100 metres.
- Be able to dive.
- Demonstrate the breast crawl, crawl, and side strokes.
- Demonstrate floating and treading the water.
- State (a) precautions to be taken before swimming in an unfamiliar place and (b) the reasons for not swimming alone.
- Plan and prepare a simple well-balanced lunch for two people.
- Show you are a tidy worker throughout preparations and wash up afterwards.
- Bake a cake/scones for your patrol to taste.
- Know the importance of proper hygiene in the kitchen.
- Use some of your pocket money, or money you have earned to open a savings account in a bank, post office, or credit union.
- Produce a record of regular savings over a six-month period.
International Friendship
- Take part in an international night.
- Make a display about world guiding.
- Prepare and serve a main dish typical of another country.
- Find out about one of the following organisations that sponsor international friendship eg. UNO, UNESCO, etc.
- Know five greeting words in other languages.
Choose two of the following scenes and act them out.
- A disagreement over choice of TV Channel.
- Use of Bathroom.
- Your pocket money allowance.
- Care of younger brothers and sisters.
- Patrol activities or work.
- Make something attractive for your home or patrol corner.
- Plan a service to help a member of your family or Patrol.